About this site
Have you felt that the world is out of balance? Out of kilter? And that you are one of very few truly sane people out there. Then my articles might be for you fellow balanced person. TODO: Actually write articles (number of articles september 11th 2024 = one). But I have over a hundred ideas noted down. Have patience!
What new truths will people know in 30 years?
I want to know right now. Don't you?
Admit it! What people know is outdated. Even scientists are 15 to 30 years behind, stuck in paradigms that stubbornly refuse to be overturned even though overdue. An inventive study shows the half life of even the hardest of sciences - physics - is only 12-13 years. I.e. half the knwoledge is upended and invalidated! Other fields even shorter (social sciences 5-6 years). Economy is not even a real science in spite of efforts to promote it as one. Economy is a field that exists to tell you in pesudo scientific language that you can't argue against that your boss is right (or whoever pays the best) and you are wrong! In the field of translational medicine - where they try to bring the most current science out to practicing doctors - they say medicine (as practiced) is 12-15 years behind current state of the art. That is why societies of sceptics can be such a drag. Anything radically new or different will tempt them to the attack like hyenas stumbling upon a newborn gnu.
Then we have money getting in the way of truth of course. When the monthly profit of the company owners depends on you suppressing truth you will indeed (hire expensive expert consultants to) suppress truth, and in ways much refined since the tobacco industry managed to stave off the association to cancer by half a century. After all, the companies only optimize for profit (and power since power yields more profit and more power) and nothing else. Companies are said to be "slow AI" and will of course gradually "optimize" the world into lifeless grey mush as long as externalities or collateral damage is more or less free. And in todays world of increasingly concentrated ownership they and their captured regulators are often so few that they can gather around a pizza or two and decide which truth is most profitable.
What people feel, and feel strongly about, can actually be much more up to date. As can religion and 1000-year old time-tested traditions and skill sets (the Lindy effect). Special interest groups, contrarians, alternative groups, repressed or forgotten-science promotors and anti-<Put-anything-you-like-in here> groups can all yield that new paradigm that ought to replace or complement mainstream knowledge. As can oddball, little known, new or old science results or treatments that work even though they should not according to current scientific knowledge.
But many and deep are the rabbit holes you can loose yourself in while looking. Many dead ends and perilous precipices must be navigated. You can kill yourself believing in the wrong health paradigm (like the one that promotes eating a lot of liver for instance).
You can kill the world if you believe in the the wrong science paradigm. Climate sceptic - I am looking at you! Why needlessly play russian roulette with survival of humanity and civilization at stake? Fixing global warming lets humanity and technological civilisation survive no matter who is right, while not fixing it is an enormous risk. (We could debate the odds of that risk, but who would actually want to play Russian roulette at any odds?)
The Tao of the world
I have always felt I am perectly balanced and the rest of the world is askew. The many times I have been wrong ought to have made me realize that the opposite is likely true. But the more I learn the more I come to the conclusion that I am (surprisingly often) right and the world really is askew. I can play along and live in it, but never accept it or stay blind to it, as so many seem to do.
This blog is my microscopic contribution to rebalance existence on this blue beautiful crystal ball Earth that is twirling in an unforgivable universe rife with murderous high velocity objects and exploding radioactive stuff. Did you for instance know that the earth is just now entering the same area of our galactic arm it left a couple 100 million years ago? That more densely populated area that yielded the celestial object that killed off the dinosaurs to be more precise? Maybe Oumuamua was just a precursor.
The earth has supported us humans for such a long time we are starting to take it for granted. Isn't it time we started to give something back instead of just taking things out?
The articles are also my way of condensing knowledge and experience (both exotic and trivial) for my kids for the future. As a knowledge junkie, mansplaining the mansplainers and outbesserwissing the besserwissers, I am hardly prophet in my own house, but maybe in written form... One can only hope.
When I come up with little known facts people think I am weird. But five, ten years later when it is common knowledge, they don't remember I was first, only that I was weird. So I have largely stopped telling people what I know. This is one reason this blog is anonymous.
I bring to the table perspectives from countryside to city, from working class to (upper?) middle class, from math-heavy higher education to heavy manual jobs and jobs in the caregiving sector where I held people while they died. I have worked in science and with advanced product development. With small entrepreneurial companies and with big international companies. I bring to the table years of inner work from different diciplines, the sense of design, harmony and beauty from photography, drawing and watercolor painting. City and forest, sea and mountains bring their own endlessly varied perspectives. I come from severe health problems (loosing 10-15 years of my life) to having resolved them, to wanting to extend life and health span even more in spite of the longevity science being on mostly the wrong track. (And of course I bring knowledge from inumerable books and online resources, but so do a lot of bloggers.)
I want to know what the true paradigms are - small and trivial, boring and funny, as well as large and world spanning. I want to see the true state of the world and of myself. And I am grateful to all the true pioneers. Those who did the actual job to (re-)discover and promote the new paradigms. Even those who are wrong, since new good ideas by necessity are born from a sea of failed, or outright bad ideas.
I think I can even come up with a few brand-new ideas of my own by cross-referencing and integrating all that knowledge and experience. In that case I most certainly will want your feedback!
I hope you will share at least a little of my journey, and also share your own insights if they better or complement my own. I love being wrong (maybe not at first, to be really honest) provided you teach me something right instead, and make it likely that you are right!
Using the articles
In time I will hide some content behind a modest paywall to either get subscriptions or steer traffic to Medium.com. In this way I hope to earn a few euros so that this website and and my efforts in writing won't be a net loss. I have no great hope since there are a hundred thousand articles published on Medium every month, but I would be thrilled to actually earn anything by just writing! We'll see (and I will keep members updated on how it goes).
Some content will be published under an open license to freely republish. Other content will need my permission.